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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 1 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 1)(January 1994).iso / Cordant / US English / HIAR / HIAR-PPC / Images / TIFFSpec.029 (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1994-08-03  |  24KB  |  1728x2500
Labels: book | bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky
OCR: TIFF 5.0 Type SHORT or LONG The rumter of rows per strip. The image data is organized into strips for fast aocess individual touws when the data compxcsscd. though this field is valid data is not compressed RowsPerStrip and : ImageL ength wogether tell uS the number of strips in thc entire image. The cquation StripsPerImage Imagel ength RowsPerStrip 1)/RowsPerStrip assuming integer arithmetic NotE that Leither SHORT or LONG valucs can pasn aq to specify RowsPerStrip. SHORT valucs may be ase for small TIFF files should be noted. however, that earlier TEP specification revisions required LONG valuc and tha sone soflware 10EI cxpect SHORT values See Appendix Gfor further recommendations Default is 2**32 which is effectively infinity is, the entire image onc strip. We do nor recommend a single ...